Shopping List

This is the shopping list of everything you will need to build a 2 tent grow space 

  • All of the items needed are available on, prices change a lot on these products so check back a few times if you have the time. Below are links to my affiliate account so I get credit for the recommendations, thanks for the support.
  • Feel free to search for better deals or alternatives elsewhere, I have occasionally found better deals on
  • Pro tip: We sometimes use this money saving app called honey to track price history and wait for price drops on, check out the price history on the Veg Tent below as an example. You can also create an account that will notify you when there are price drops.

  1. Veg Tent –  This CoolGrows 32″ x 32″ grow tent is more than enough to supply your 4′ x 2′ flowering tent and is a great value.  Your smaller plants will live here with minimum 18 hours of light before getting moved over to the bigger flower tent; veg tents can be allowed to leak a little light since this will not hinder the veg process.
  2. Flower Tent – This VIVOSUN 4′ x 2′ can flower one large or 2 medium plants. The flowering plant(s) will live here with 12 hours of light (*Any extra light can stop the flowering process so make sure to check for any light leaking from the tent and don’t cheap out).
  3. Flower Tent Light – This strong Mars Hydro light (Model TSL 2000W) is recommended for the flower tent. You don’t want to cheap out on this one, the main components for a successful grow are good genetics and the light, the brighter the light the bigger/better your buds.
  4. Veg Tent Light – This is recommended FECIDA light (Model GL-CR600) is a little weaker and cheaper because plants in the veg state don’t need the strongest light like in the flowering state.
  5. Ventilation fans for grow tents (Quantity: 2) – Ventilation is important for good grow results. Cannabis plants need a lot of Co2 to flourish, especially during the flowering phase. This VIVOSUN inline fan (Model GDFPA-100) also helps with airflow which is important for plant health.
  6. Carbon Filter – Connect up with ventilation fans to reduce the odor of that dank chronic. This Vanleno 4 inch carbon filter is the best value we have seen.
  7. Ventilation fan ducting – Used to connect up the ventilation fans and filter to your tents. This AC Infinity 25ft 4-inch ducting is good quality and will be more than enough for any future additions.
  8. Fans for airflow  – Airflow is important to grow strong stems & roots in veg plants and too keep the plants healthy during flowering; we will use this one for the veg tent. This 6 inch Hurricane fan is dependable and can be turned on/off with a mechanical timer.
  9. Oscillating fan for airflow  – This Vornado Flippi V8 oscillating fan will be used for airflow in your flowering plant. We also use this oscillating fan when drying our plants after harvest.
  10. Mechanical Outlet timers – These can be used to control your lights to make sure the flowering plants get no more than 12 hours and the veg plants get at least 18 hours of light. These BN-LINK BND-60/U47 are dependable and affordable.
  11. Electrical connections: You need a 3 prong extension cord and power strip to get your lights and fans connected up to your power outlet(s). You may need to get longer ones depending on your outlet locations.
  12. Shop Vac – You need a shop vac to soak up the overflow water after watering your plants. Standing water encourages bugs and root rot.
  13. 3 Gallon Grow bags – Once your plants get a little bigger you can transfer them to their final destination, the 3 gallon grow bags. These JERIA  grow bags are affordable and have worked well for us but there are a lot of good options for these.
  14. 1 Gallon Grow bags (Optional) – As your veg tent gets crowed with plants it can be very useful to have 1 gallon grow bags to hold extra plants; plants can stay in these for a long time waiting to be transferred to a 3 gallon bag.  These VIVOSUN 1 gallon bags have a Velcro strip on the side making transplanting much easier.
  15. Cocoa – You will mix 60% cocoa with 40% perlite to create the soil for your plants. This mixture is very dependable and great for adding water soluble nutrients to. Coco Bliss Coco Coir expands to at least double the brick size and has worked great for us.
  16. Perlite – You will mix 60% cocoa with 40% perlite to create the soil for your plants. You will want to lean towards smaller perlite like this MiracleGro perlite:
  17. Liquid Nutrients – You will use these to give necessary nutrients to get optimal results from your vegging and flowering plants; FoxFarm is a dependable/affordable brand. Vegging plants get the “Grow Big” formula every other watering. Flowering plants get “Tiger Bloom” and “Big Bloom” every other watering.
  18. Humidity Dome(Optional) – You can use these along with jiffy pods to easily take start clones from your vegging plants and start new plants. You can also use these to start seeds but it is not out favorite method.
  19. Jiffy Pellets(Optional)– Use these along with humidity dome to take clones of your vegging plants.
  20. Spray Bottle – A fine mist spray bottle helps to add moisture to your humidity dome and speed up rooting.
  21. Organic soil – This is our preferred way to start plants from seed. Compared to jiffy pellets it is harder to drown the seeds, which has happened to me a few times, and weed seeds aren’t cheap.
  22. Small Nursery Bags – These are great to start the small plants (from seed or clones) in before transferring to the 3 gallon grow bags. Once the plants grow you can just stick them right into the grow bags without disturbing the young plant.
  23. 16oz plastic cups (Optional) – We like to use these to hold the small nursery bags since they don’t stand too well alone, you should only need a few of these as they are reusable for this purpose. You can most likely find these cheaper at your local stores.
  24. Label maker (Optional) – this is a highly recommends part in keeping things organized, especially if you have chicken scratch handwriting like us.
  25. Garden labels (Optional) – These go in your plant with your label maker label to keep your plants nicely organized.
  26. Freezer bags – These can be used to store materials and to create humidity for young plants when starting seeds.
  27. Rooting Powder(Optional) – These help to start clones from your vegging plants. You’ll take a small cutting of your vegging plant, place it in water for a minute, dip it in the rooting powder, place it in your soaked jiffy pellet then into your humidity dome.
  28. Small Pruning shears  – This is useful in taking clones and cutting off extra parts of your plants.
  29. Flower tent trellis netting – This is useful in keeping your flowering plants from getting too tall and helps how level out the tallest stems. This AC Infinity Grow Tent Trellis Netting 2×4′ has worked great for us.
  30. Paracord – This is used to hang everything we need from our grow tents.
  31. Watering can(s) – Choose watering cans you like for your plants. We like to have one big one for our big plants and a small one for small waterings, here are a couple of examples:


  32. Heating pad (Optional) – Place under humidity dome or marijuana seeds to help speed things up when the weather is cold.
  33. Plant Saucers (Optional) – These help keep your tents nice and neat when watering. Your plants are water proof and this one is optional but waterings can get quite messy otherwise.
  34. Hygrometer Thermometer (Optional)– These are good for beginners to keep an eye on the temperature and humidity in your grow tents. The wifi version is pricier but you can connect it to your phone and keep track of your temp all day. This can also help you determine if the power went out or something.
  35. Digital Microscope (Optional) – Helps to determine when flowering plant is ready to cut.
  36. Grove bags (Optional, Highly Recommended) –  Just put your trimmed harvest in one of these bags and let it sit for at least a few weeks, no burping of a jar necessary.
  37. Mini digital hygrometers (Optional) – we will use these to check the humidity inside our grove bags.
  38. Trim Bin (Optional) – These bins are male trimming up your buds a little more comfortable.  They also come with 2 bins, one with a screen on top to produce keef.
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