4. Start Seed

In this section we will walk through our tested method of starting a plant from seed.

Start Seed Parts and Tools:

Start seed supplies
  1. Garden Label – Label with printed name of the strain of seed you will grow.  We printed ours with a label maker which we highly recommend.
  2. Feminized cannabis seed – Make sure you have a feminized seed or you will have unexpected results farther in this tutorial.
  3. Pen – Any household pen you like will do.
  4. Quart Ziploc bag – A Ziploc bag big enough to cover the nursery bag. Click here for an example.
  5. 16oz plastic cup – Click here for an example.
  6. Spray bottle
  7. Small watering can – Fill this with tap water.
  8. Small Nursery Bag – Click here for an example.
  9. 60/40 cocoa/perlite mix – You need to mix your cocoa and perlite.  I would mix at least enough for a 3g grow bag and a small nursery bag. YouTube: Mix Cocoa and Perlite (60/40 Cocoa/Perlite Mix)
  10. Organic soil – Click here for an example.  You can mix in up to 20% of perlite for extra drainage. Soak this separately so it is ready for your seed.
  11. Plant Saucer  – This keeps things nice and neat.
  12. Label Maker (optional) – Helps to create labels that can be used through the whole process of tracking a plant. Click here for an example.

Start Seed – Steps:

  1. Prepare your 60/40 cocoa perlite mix then use the spoon to fill the bottom half of the small nursery bag with it.   YouTube: Mix Cocoa and Perlite (60/40 Cocoa/Perlite Mix)
  2. Fill the top half of the nursery bag with organic soil(mix up to 20% perlite for extra drainage if desired).  Leave 1/4 inch or so at the top to help with watering later. Push it down to be a little tight.
  3. Soak your nursery bag with water.
  4. Make a hole about 1/2″ deep with a pen in the center of the organic soul and place your seed in the hole. Gently push the soil over the seed and cover the hole.
  5. Place The nursery bag in a 16oz plastic cup to help it stand and retain a little moisture.
  6. Place your Ziploc bag around the nursery bag and plastic cup to create a higher humidity. Close the bag on the sides of the plastic cup.
  7. Put your garden label with strain name into the nursery bag.
  8. Place everything into your veg tent with 18 hours of light.  A little light leaking is ok here but make sure the plant gets at least 18 hours of light or it can start to flower.  You don’t need a lot of light strength to get seed started and too much can be harmful.  Set your veg light to around 50% and have at least 2 feet away from the plant.
  9. Now keep your soil lightly moist and watch for the plant to pop out, should take a couple of days to see the first little plant pop. Do not over water, this can drown the seed but having it in a nursery bag helps greatly to reduce that risk.  Add a little water about once a day or so, the Ziploc bag should prevent the plant from drying out too fast.
  10. Once the plant pops you can remove the Ziploc bag and water your plant daily until it is big enough to move into a bigger container.
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